If you’ve been lusting after the latest kitchen gadget but aren’t sure if it’s worth the expense (or counter space) then read on! In our tireless search for the truth, Vv Magazine’s Libby Roach is inspecting the goods, the bads and the in-betweens of the everyday appliances vying for your hard earned bucks.
The unlikely bromance of George Clooney and Danny DeVito may seem like an overdue sequel to the 80s hit movie Twins, but in fact, it’s the marketing genius behind the Nespresso brand, the coffee juggernaut manufactured by Breville. While Nespresso boasts a fleet of various coffee makers, their newest machine is their glitziest, stuffed with enough options to turn your countertop into a barista-worthy bar, only with no long lineups or bogus loyalty programs.
A price tag of $799 puts the Nespresso Creatista Plus in the Rolls Royce category of coffee makers. It is a budget-busting bean machine that promises to elevate your morning routine and let you customize your caffeinated brew with a dizzying amount of personalized options.

As someone who is confounded by even the simplest French Press, the urgency of my morning vice comes shackled with the brain fog of last night’s coma. In other words, morning person would not be a term that would be easily applied.
And that’s the good thing about the Creatista Plus. A heads-up display lets you know you’re about to brew – a simple button push and putting a mug under the tap and you’re smooth sailing to Espresso town. Fancy some frothy milk? Then a quick adjustment allows you to bang out a Latte, Macchiato or even drool-worthy Flat White with little more effort than pouring milk. The attached steam wand senses when the stainless steel jug is in place leaving you free to cradle your face with your hands or assume the fetal position on the couch – two of my favourite morning stretches.

Notably, the milk frother on the Creatista Plus is a beast. After frothing your milk to the perfect velvety consistency and customizing the temperature, it has the wherewithal to clean up after itself, running a steam purge after each use, another huge plus in my feeble state of mind.
The capsules come locked and loaded with good stuff in a variety of flavours. Loading the capsules is fool-proof. While some machines can make you feel downright toddler-ish when it comes to spatial awareness, these cutie pies plop in one magical way only, conserving your brain cells for more pressing matters.
Convenience aside, the machine is well crafted too. Used capsules drop into a reservoir for recycling after, a nice hands-free touch leaving you one less thing to do. A short pop out shelf gives Espressos a lift, allowing the liquid gold to line the tiny cup instead of messily splattering all over the stainless steel appliance.
While the sticker price might send some running for the hills, when you factor in a daily cuppa on your way to work, this baby pays for itself in less than a year. The only thing missing from this beast of a brew hog is the sensory experience that is weaved into brewing hot coffee. While the machine boasts 19 bar pressure that elicits the hissing and churning of making a fresh pot, the aroma wafting off fresh beans you just ground reminds you that the sensory experience of making your morning coffee is part and parcel of the whole morning routine – maybe wafting crushed beans contributes to waking you up too, filling the kitchen with the sounds and smells of the morning rush.

While the product undoubtedly lives up to its Clooney-esque reputation, I will maintain a bumpy courtship with my French Press, although will undeniably miss all the bells and whistles of this magical beast.
RELATED LINK: We’re Judging You: What Your Coffee Choice Says About You
Have you tried the Nespresso Creatista Plus? What did you think of it? Let Vv Magazine know in the comments below or tweet us @ViewtheVibe.