Sure, the world is finally hip to the idea that we’re not so sweet and innocent after all up here in Canada, thanks to the Rob Ford era… followed shortly by the Jian Ghomeshi scandal that’s rocked sexual assault debates around the world. And maybe that’s a good thing. For the first time in a long time, Canadians know we can no longer get away with being politically and socially apathetic, and it’s already showing in the news-making events that hit our national radar. In honour of 2014 coming the close, a year that cemented Canada’s position in the global consciousness as a country that fucks up sometimes, we present Vv Magazine’s “Top 10 Most Epic Canadian Moments 2014.”
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What Canadian event of 2014 do you think should have made our list of “Top 10 Most Epic Canadian Moments 2014” but didn’t? Tell us what you think should have made the cut in the comments below or tweet us at @ViewTheVibe.