No one escapes emotional baggage. From your boss to your neighbor, we’ve all got trauma in our lives that shapes who we are.
Sometimes that baggage can make you better. In fact, between 35-75% of us will see some kind of post-traumatic growth. That could be becoming more empathetic, realizing what’s important in life, or become emotionally stronger.
But not all trauma helps us. Some we carry around every day, letting it weigh us down and stopping us from moving forward. So how can you free yourself from this emotional baggage?
One method is through emotional release therapy, and it could change your life in a matter of minutes.
The Trouble With Trauma
Trauma can be hugely damaging to both our mental and physical health. Whether it’s the loss of a loved one or an embarrassing public event – whatever your trauma, you won’t be the same after it happened.
By not dealing with past issues, trauma can interfere with daily life. Here are some of the ways it could affect you:
- Cause anxiety, fear, sadness, and depression
- Damage your self-confidence
- Cause problems in relationships (this can be with your family, friends, a partner, or even work colleagues)
- Increase your stress levels (and your chance of contracting stress-related illnesses, such as heart disease and diabetes)
- Insomnia or fatigue
Carrying around emotional baggage might be affecting you in more ways than you know. But, with trauma, your perception of the event is as important as the event itself. This is where emotional release therapy can help.
What is Emotional Release Therapy?
Emotional release therapy is a technique to help you change how you view past events and overcome trauma.
A lot of the time, people with trauma can have emotional reactions to events that others wouldn’t. These can come out as fits of anger, apathy, depression and more. It’s these emotions that can really have an impact on your quality of life.
Emotional release therapy works to rid you of these reactions. It empowers people, letting them achieve their goals without being held back.
It’s also much quicker than other therapies and can have a long-lasting change, making it a great way to take back control of your life.
Your Timeline
Before we go into how emotional release therapy works, we want to introduce the concept of your timeline.
This definitely isn’t a new idea; timelines go way back! Even Aristotle spoke of timelines, and we’ve used them for hundreds of years to describe sequences of events.
Now, picture your own timeline. It starts with your birth and moves all the way up until the present day, with millions of events happening in between the two. This is how your unconscious memory is stored.
Emotional release therapy works with this timeline, making changes on an unconscious level to really change your behavior patterns.
How it Works
Now let’s look at how this works.
Along your timeline, there are large, traumatic events. Picture them as big dots on your line. These could be any event in your life that negatively affected you, including:
- A time when you were bullied
- A bad break-up from someone you loved
- Being cheated on
- A near-death experience or scary accident
- Bad arguments with a parent during developing years
- Physical or mental abuse
When these events aren’t dealt with, they fill us with negative energy, creating an imbalance in our body. Trust us, if you’ve got unresolved trauma you’ll know about it.
This trauma has a knock-on effect, causing tons of other negative experiences. Picture these as smaller dots on your timeline, all linked together by one line connecting them to the larger dot. That’s your trauma pattern.
These small dots could be anything, from depressive periods to failed relationships. But they all have one thing in common; they’re caused by your trauma.
In emotional release therapy, the focus is on that big dot – the initial trauma event. During your session, this event will be isolated and dealt with, helping you remove emotions attached to it. Essentially, you’ll be letting the event go.
Once you’ve managed to do this, that line connected everything falls apart, and those smaller events can be dealt with too. Eventually, your trauma will be resolved.
You won’t forget the event, of course, or any of them that followed. But it won’t make you emotional anymore. There won’t be the same anger or sadness, or even frustration, holding you back.
Once this is done, you can start moving forward with your life, creating a timeline that’s free of trauma-related events.
The Benefits
There are lots of emotional release therapy facts you can look into to see how it works, but the real result lies in the benefits. People who have had the treatment done have seen so many positive effects – it really is amazing!
Here are some of the mental benefits you’ll see:
- An increase in self-confidence
- Feeling more inspired to achieve goals
- Becoming more productive every day
- A sense of peace and wellbeing
You might also experience physical benefits, including:
- Decreased neck and/or back pain
- Better sleep
- Less stress-related issues
- A decrease in headaches
The mind and body are deeply connected, and trauma is often held within the body. In fact, trauma sufferers are 3 times as likely to have irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic pain, and fibromyalgia.
This is why you can experience so many physical benefits by resolving your mental issues. You may find relief in problems you didn’t even know were related to your trauma!
What You Can Expect in Your Session
Every emotional release session should be either face to face or over a video call. This is so that your therapist can pick up on changes in your body language and cues from your expressions.
During your session, you’ll be guided by your therapist. They’ll help you uncover the trauma that’s been bothering you and help you resolve it. They may also teach you emotional release techniques to help shift your behavior, like switching negative statements to positive statements.
During your therapy, you may feel uncomfortable – that’s okay! It’s normal to feel out of your depth during therapy; you’re dealing with issues that you’ve protected yourself from for years. Bringing them up will always be hard.
Some patients have even reported physicals sensations during their emotional release therapy, such as tingling sensations. Your body may relax and your mind will become clearer as the session proceeds.
After the session, you’ll find yourself feeling lighter and more positive. You may need to take some time out to relax and be quiet with your thoughts – this can help you work through the session and make the most of the lasting effects it will have.
Could it Help With Genetic Trauma?
If you feel held back in life by your emotions but don’t know why it could be genetic trauma.
There have been tons of studies into this, showing that we can actually inherit trauma from our parents, grandparents, and ancestors. This was shown in a study of the children and grandchildren of prisoners of war.
Whilst they hadn’t gone through any of the traumatic experiences their relatives had, it still seems they were affected by it. They were actually 10 times more likely to die in any year after they become middle-aged than others.
This is because their genes were changed. The trauma had left a sort of mark on them, leaving the DNA the same.
There was also a study done on mice that made them fear the smell of cherry blossom. It then found that both their children and the children of their children reacted negatively to the same smell, even though they’ve never been exposed to it.
If you feel you have emotional reactions that you can’t explain, emotional release therapy could help you uncover the underlying past trauma. From this, you can release it and move forward without its consequences.
For more information on emotional release therapy, take a look at the following article:
Start Your Recovery Today
Emotional release therapy can be transformative. It’s a quick solution to problems that may have been affecting you your whole life. Why wouldn’t you want to try it?
Remember, recovering from trauma is a journey. Emotional release therapy can be a stepping stone to help you regain your life, but often you’ll need to do more to heal fully. Speak to your therapist about how you can further the effects of emotional release therapy and other ways you can overcome trauma.