Tired of watching your go-to reality show? If you’re in the mood for a bit of drama, you may want to check out BlogTO’s recent post about Doug Ford’s daughter opening her first cookie shop in Etobicoke. Kyla Ford has been selling decadent, stuffed cookies from her online shop “KyKy Kookies” for a few years but she recently announced she will be opening her very first storefront. The news wasn’t well recieved…to say the least. In fact, there was enough backlash to cause Ford to change the name of her business to “KyKy Cookies & Ice Cream”. So, is this just another cancel culture attack or do Torontonians have reason to lash out against KKK cookies…I mean KyKy Cookies & Ice Cream? I’ll let you be the judge.
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Anyone with an entrepreneurial mind knows that your brand name is one of the most important aspects of your business’s marketing success. If your brand can abbreviate to “KKK”, you’ll probably see some backlash…that’s obvious right? Not just me here? Well apparently Ford didn’t think about the fact “KyKy Kookies” would be abbreviated to KKK but don’t worry- Torontonians enlightened her in the comments of BlogTO’s post. Let’s be honest here, “Kookies” isn’t even a clever, cute name change! Why couldn’t it have been “KyKy Cookies” from the beginning? *awkwardly whistles and avoids eye contact*
Covid Closures = Cheap Rent for KyKy
After Toronto saw the devastating effects the pandemic thrusted upon small businesses, some people are a little annoyed that Ford is taking this time to open a storefront. With plenty of comments claiming the Ford family has come off on top during the pandemic, it seems there isn’t much support for KyKy Cookies. Some even shamed BlogTO for running the story!
Supporting the Underdog
If there’s one thing we love, it’s supporting local and it seems Torontonians are on the same page. Well, according to the comment above they’re on the same page as long as the local business isn’t owned by someone with a significant political family. Instead of supporting someone who would “be successful regardless of what she does”, it appears some would rather support the underdog who struggled during the pandemic and doesn’t have ties to Doug Ford or his money.
Acting Like Children
Not EVERYONE was hating on Ford. Some were hating on the hate! If you don’t want to buy Ford’s stuffed cookies, don’t! Instead of quietly boycotting her and supporting other local bakers, the comments were full of hate and criticism for Kyla. This comment expressed some concern for the behavior in the comment section, but isn’t backlash needed for change to be made?