Consuming CBD can be confusing for many people. CBD itself exists in many forms. You’ll encounter capsules, creams, drops, cookies, and cigars. You may never know which style is right for you or the best way to consume CBD.
Our guide will help you point out the best way you can consume CBD. If you’re new, you’re in the right place. Even pro-CBD users can find a better way to explore CBD.
The Best Way to Consume CBD
Every CBD consumption method relies on its quality and your goals. The better the quality, the better the experience.
If you want to enjoy CBD, look for broad or full-spectrum oils. These will give you a wide range of benefits compared to isolates. Full-spectrum oils are more versatile. They contain all cannabinoids and are fit if you need some THC.
With CBD, more cannabinoids mean a better impact and access to more health benefits. If THC isn’t your thing, broad-spectrum oils can still grant you access to the other cannabinoids.
There are many ways to consume CBD. What’s challenging is each method has a different impact on the body. Some consumption methods encourage quick absorption and a faster effect. There are also slower and gentler ways to enjoy CBD.
Let’s find out more!
Topical CBD
Topical CBD products are mainstream nowadays. From lotions to serums to creams, CBD topicals seem to be the trend in sports, cosmetics, and skincare.
Topical CBD products are convenient and straightforward to use. You can apply them right away on your skin and are a choice when you don’t want to ingest CBD.
If you have joint pains or inflammation in a particular area of your body, a simple CBD massage can help. It’s crucial to note the relief may not come quickly because the cream seeps gently into the body.
Topical CBD’s popularity as a pain reliever has pushed it into the sports industry. Most athletes want to avoid pain relievers that can be addictive. Instead of opioids, some athletes turn to CBD to soothe pain and relieve inflammation.
CBD Ingestion- Edibles and Capsules
CBD’s taste can put you off. You may also not like the consumption methods that hold CBD in your mouth. In that case, edibles may be your best way to consume CBD.
The beauty of CBD edibles is you can take them anywhere. If you wanted a fix during the day, you could take a few capsules along. With edibles, you can ingest attracting no one’s attention.
Edibles like food don’t go straight into the bloodstream. They may take up to two hours before you can feel their effect. It’s during the digestion that edibles release CBD gradually into the bloodstream.
They can be unsuitable when you need quick relief. Yet everyone can use CBD edibles. Both newbies and pros can use a desired number of edibles to meet their CBD dosage.
Edibles can comprise capsules, snacks, or gummies like the ones on They come in varying choices that give you more adventure when consuming CBD.
Sublingual CBD: Hold it under Your Tongue
CBD for sublingual intake is in the form of tinctures or drops. If you want a quick impact, tinctures could be your best way to consume CBD.
Tinctures are solutions made by soaking CBD in alcohol or essential oils. That means they come in a ton of flavors that you can explore for a fun CBD experience. Unlike many edibles, tinctures are sugar-free and don’t carry many preservatives.
So, if you want a healthy and exciting CBD option, you’re in the right place with a tincture. To consume CBD tinctures, add a few drops under your tongue from a dropper and hold about 30-60 seconds.
The method is one of the most effective, and it brings about a speedy impact. You can feel the effect the moment the drops interact with your mouth’s membranes.
If you want to track the dose, you can use a measured dropper. The dropper offers you an excellent way to watch usage and serve precise CBD amounts.
CBD Oil for Food and Beverages
You can prepare your meals with CBD oil if you want to experience a gradual impact as the food gets digested. Cooking with CBD oil allows you to enjoy its benefits after every plate of your favorite meal.
Like any other food additives, you can carry CBD oil to add to your food or coffee. There’s even an increasing number of cafes that offer or allow customers to add CBD oil to their meals.
With the known benefits of CBD, people are now drifting to CBD drinks. Instead of sodas, CBD coffee and beverages are gaining popularity.
CBD oil for beverages is ideal for relaxing and stress relief. After a long day, a CBD coffee cup can ease the strain and the anxiety taking a toll on you. Outdoors, CBD coffee or beverages can add more fun and energy.
Inhaled CBD: Smoking and Vaping
You can also vape or smoke CBD using vape pens. Smoking and vaping are some of the quickest methods to consume CBD. They allow CBD to seep faster into the bloodstream. Within 10 or 20 minutes, you can feel the desired impact.
Vapes come in many flavors that increase your freedom to experiment. Vapes are also versatile in strength because even newbies can find a choice to start with. For nicotine smokers, CBD vapes provide a healthier option to kill addiction.
Smoking or vaping may not be as healthy. Smoking CBD can expose you to carcinogens. Meanwhile, vapes can carry risky ingredients that may harm your health. There’s also a lack of enough research to confirm the effects of vaping.
These two methods are the most effective for CBD consumption. Vaped CBD is more bioavailable. That means it can get absorbed faster compared to all the other methods.
What Is Your Best Way to Consume CBD?
Which is your best way to consume CBD? The truth is the best approach depends on your needs.
Do you want a quick impact or a gradual CBD experience? It would be best if you explored all the methods for a wholesome CBD experience.
For more tips and advice, check out our blog.