Opening the View the Vibe site today, you may have been surprised to see a new look, a new name, a new logo and overall, a new style of content. Perhaps you are intrigued, perhaps you are confused, perhaps you’re thinking this is a refreshing change. And maybe you think we’re crazy. If you do, I’m glad because that means you’ll likely love Vv Magazine.
Do you ever get bored by the majority of online media? Are you constantly looking to be stimulated by more interesting, thought-provoking content? Does your Facebook feed give you the same stories over and over? For us, the answer is yes – and we want to change that. While “View the Vibe” is not dead, it has instead become what it was always meant to be: a curated video channel featuring the best of what’s current and of interest to our readers. Over the next few months, you will notice View the Vibe become a 100% video entity and our new venture, Vv Magazine, develop into a brand of its own.
First, I will address the name change. Instead of modifying our old site, we wanted a new site to represent the vibe of our new approach to media, and we wanted a new name and logo to symbolize our revolution. You may have already guessed that it naturally originated from the fact that View the Vibe has two Vs, however Vv represents a myriad of visions. Make a peace sign and it also means victory and world harmony – turn your palm the other way and you’ve got “f*ck you” in the UK. Add a tongue at your own risk. Point it at someone’s eyes and the then back at your own to show you’re watching them. It’s a worldwide revolution in two fingers that crosses cultures, language barriers, and time to represent revolutions and perspectives and the people who make them. The “V” was also the two simple lines Renaissance artists used to create perspective in art – just like the perspectives we want Vv Magazine to produce.
We want to deliver a variety of perceptions, opinions, and chronicles. We want to show that from a single point, you can go into completely different directions while still remaining connected. We want to dig below the surface of issues and discover the nitty gritty aspects that others don’t always want to touch. While we don’t court controversy that’s just for shock value, we are not afraid to take on “taboo” topics or unpopular opinions because that’s the starting point of a new perspective. We want to nurture within you a desire. A desire to learn more, read more, and to come back every day to see what else we’re talking about. Whether you think it’s cool, not, or just a topic for debate is left to a matter of taste. However, I think our taste is pretty good — if I do say so myself. Don’t let all this talk of controversy and perspective make you think we’re getting heavy on you now though. We will still give you fun writing, great restaurant recommendations, the latest trends, and fabulous videos. But we will be honest.
I have hand-picked a new team known for the quality of their writing. I am personally very excited to have the opportunity to go back to my roots. To a time when media was more traditional; when all media had fact-checkers on staff; when putting together a great story took weeks and not hours; when media was not at the mercy of PR and magazines were more than just glorified press releases. We will investigate and tell it like it is – from news, to current events, to fashion, to food and to city happenings. We will also be on hand to cover the best in city events, either with original video content or with photographs.
You may love some stories and you may cringe at others. But likely, you will read them because they’re compelling articles that deliver viewpoints lacking in our current state of talking nice about everything and everyone (exceptions being certain ex-mayors and radio hosts).
We are not out to bash so please don’t take this the wrong way. We want to shake things up, educate and stimulate. We vow to give you stories that inspire you to share online, give us a mouthful in the comments, or convince you to write your own article and pitch it to us – because a revolution belongs to all the people who join the conversation and shape the ideas they inspire.
I say change is needed to achieve great success – and change is far from easy. In reality, it’s terrifying. One of my favourite quotes reminds me that change is also the only way to keep evolving, to improve things you started and attain excellence:
Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly, and get on with improving your other innovations. – Steve Jobs
If you know me personally, you know why this quote means so much to me and why I’ve made this change. If you don’t, I say, welcome to Vv Magazine! I am very excited to start this journey and hope you join us for the ride. I have been known to dream big but this time, it’s not a dream: it’s a mission to create amazing content and offer our audience more thought-provoking perspectives.
Nicki xo