Quarantine Chronicles Guest Column
Our Quarantine Chronicles column was launched to promote empathy and comfort through these difficult COVID-19 times. Often, writing your story can be a healing process, and reading about someone else’s experience through a tragedy helps us put things in perspective — that we’re not alone. We’re not looking for negative rants — just the reality you are living, and how it’s affecting you, and/or your business, and your loved ones. We’d love to see you end off your story with a positive thought that might help inspire us all. Remember, we’re all in this together.
EXAMPLE: Quarantine Chronicles: Restaurateur Speaks up about Saving Hospitality. >>>
Interested in telling your story? You can find out how here:
Submission Guidelines:
- Keep your tone conversational: at View the VIBE we like to keep things personal and easy to digest, think of it as if you were speaking amongst friends and family. Don’t be shy to use known acronyms (like wtf, smh and fml, where emphasis may be needed)
- Try not to go over 1000 words. Our average posts are between 300-500 words, but as an opinion piece we understand that you may need more room to get the point across. With that said, we are flexible.
- Multimedia assets are valuable. If you have photos, links to social posts, videos, etc are always great. We do ask you to provide a couple high-resolution photos that reflect your business but ideally if including a person’s photo, not a smiling picture (given the nature of the post).
- Submissions in word document or Google doc format preferred.
Please email our editor at, steven@viewthevibe.com with some background on your situation, and your interest in submitting your story (following the above guidelines) to secure your spot today.
We look forward to hearing from you, and collaborating on sharing your story. Wishing you good health, and sending you positive vibes during these difficult times.
Our best,
Editorial Team
View the VIBE