Katrina McKay is a self-professed “sex geek.” Wait, can you really geek out about sex? Well, if you can turn it into a business venture of epic proportions, then yes… yes, you can. As the CEO of Ohhh Canada, the country’s favourite sex toy and lingerie boutique, McKay has made being an entrepreneur and business coach one of the sexiest gigs in town as she continues to put the “Ohhh” in CEO. We caught up with McKay to find out more…
Tell us a bit about yourself. What should people know?
I’m both a sex and entrepreneurship geek! It’s true! I talk a lot about both, and that always seems to shock people – but I definitely don’t do it for the shock value. To me, both topics are really about passion; and it’s passion that fuels my life, so for me the two topics don’t seem so disparate. Four years ago I founded Ohhh Canada, a sexy little company which combines my love of sexy stuff and my love of business. Hmm, what else? I can be a bit of a workaholic, but it’s easy to work long hours when you absolutely love what you do. I also love to travel (anywhere, anytime), languages, and dark and gloomy Russian literature. Oh, and I’m not naturally raven-haired, but I’ve had this colour for so long that very few people even know what my “real” colour is. I’m not sure I remember, either.
What are the biggest challenges and best rewards about what you do?
There’s still a huge stigma against “adult” businesses, so sometimes that makes things tough for me. In North America especially, we’re really hung up in a bad way about sex… we love to obsess over it, but we often avoid talking about it in healthy and positive ways. And in other places around the world, it’s even more taboo. Perfect example: I was going to be the keynote at a high profile business event in Dubai for a large audience of women entrepreneurs, and as as soon as one of the organizers learned more about my sexy side, they immediately dropped me from the program. But you live and learn. You have to be tough to be an entrepreneur – and having a sense of humour helps, too! As for rewards, there are so many that I don’t even know where to start! I love being my own boss, and I love helping others get to where they want to be in life – whether through Ohhh or through my business coaching. I see success as something that’s so tangible, so accessible, and I enjoy being a living example of what’s possible.
What are three things you can’t live without?
My MacBook Air, cute flats (I walk everywhere), and my passport (travel junkie). Oh, and green tea… Oops, that’s four. But I need all of them, so please don’t make me pick just three.
Finish this sentence: I love Toronto because…
…it’s a city in a perpetual state of evolution. There’s so much that’s happening in Toronto and so much that’s going to happen in Toronto; it’s like we’re always on the edge of truly great things. So many big cities in North America feel very established, but Toronto still feels so young, exciting, and vivacious.
What’s your favourite restaurant and why?
I really like the ever-changing menu at The Spoke Club, which is my usual haunt; you’ll normally find me there at least twice a week when I’m in town. Mengrai Thai is another fave. The food there is amazing, and it’s this hidden little place that you’d easily miss if you didn’t know where it was.
What’s one of your favourite go-to designers or accessories lines and why do you sport their fashions?
At Ohhh we carry a lingerie line called Yes Master and I’m all about it. It’s bold, fresh and a little scandalous. I’m a big proponent of wearing sexy underthings no matter what you’re wearing on top of them, and no matter what the occasion – even at the gym… just ask my trainer! As for Canadian designers, I like Iris Setlakwe. Her pieces are edgy, sexy, and put-together all at the same time. She designs brilliant jackets which I throw over everything – jeans, dresses, you name it.
What products are always in your beauty bag?
I’ve worn sunscreen on my face every day since my teens, so you’ll always find a sunscreen with the highest SPF I can possibly find in my beauty bag (Avene is my go-to brand). And I think big fat black lashes are super sexy, so even if I’m not putting on any other makeup I love L’Oreal’s Extase Mascara – nothing else even comes close. And my three faves from Ohhh Canada are always in my bag as well, especially when I travel: Kissaholic Plumping Lip Gloss; Sweet Spot On-The-Go Wipettes; and pheromone-infused perfume. Everyone always tells me I smell good, and I think that’s the pheromones… the ones in my perfume and the ones that are naturally occurring!
What style trends are you obsessed with right now?
I’m either all in black or I’m in crazy bold prints that no one else in their right mind would wear, so I’m pretty excited that prints are still in – I hope they’re here to stay. I also like mixing really femme pieces with menswear; I wear a bulky unisex high-end watch on one wrist and a Tiffany & Co. bracelet on the other.
What’s your favourite spa or service?
I wish I could tell you that my faves are in Toronto, but alas they are not. I go to Vegas at least once a year on business, and after all my meetings are done you’ll find me at Qua at Caesar’s. Perhaps I was Roman in a past life because I adore those Roman pools – even the freezing cold ones. And I always go naked because who wants to sit around in a wet bathing suit? (Yuck!) In New York, I’m all about Bliss Spas. They do the best pedicures ever, and have a cool modern vibe that’s just my speed.
Let’s get social for a mo’. How can people stay up-to-date with your busy life?
I love followers, so everyone’s welcome to stalk me online. You can follow me on my travels and as I talk entrepreneurship at KatrinaMcKay.com, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. And please follow Ohhh Canada, too, on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.