Renowned costume designer Antoinette Messam has worked on numerous Hollywood movies, like Redemption starring Jamie Foxx, Jewel starring Farrah Fawcett, and acclaimed indie films like Lie with Me. On Saturday, May 31st, Messam will be on-site at the now famous CAFTCAD Movie Wardrobe Sale, which hosts over 30 vendors selling amazing vintage and contemporary clothes and accessories used in films and TV shows. We caught up with Messam to find out more about her fashionable and fabulous life and career…
Tell us a bit about yourself. What should people know?
My unofficial title is “woman of the cloth.” What does that mean? I am a costume designer, stylist, and consultant. I’m obsessed with every small detail in a costume and am a lover of all things fashion. I’m a mother, sister, and a daughter. My family means everything to me. I’m a proud, patriotic Jamaican who is currently bi-coastal. I’m a foodie and a wine connoisseur. I’m very proud of my involvement with CAFTCAD, a not-for-profit organization for Costume professionals and stylists. We are having the #bestsaleever the weekend of May 31st for anyone who’s looking for an amazing find. It’s a must-go for every fashionista.
What are the biggest challenges and best rewards about what you do?
The biggest challenge of what I do is to deliver the creative with budget restraints. The best reward is seeing my costumes come to life on the big screen, in an ad, music video, or a commercial. A bonus is helping an actor find his character through his or her costume.
What are three things you can’t live without?
My computer, my iPhone, and my books. Sad.
Finish this sentence: I love Toronto because…
…of the diversity! And its warmth. It has heart.
What’s your favourite restaurant?
Terroni is like a second home; a quick go-to place that never fails, like my BFF. It’s easy, casual and the first place I think of when I am connecting with old friends or co-workers. My favourite Terroni is the one on Queen West. It says Toronto to me – multicultural, comfort food, great wines. I frequent the Los Angeles Terroni too!
What’s one of your favourite go-to designers/brands or accessories lines and why do you sport their fashions?
There are so many and it’s so hard to just pick one. Lida Baday is one of my favourites for classic clothes. The brand fits me like a glove and is very comfortable. I have an over 20-year-old Lida Baday little black dress that I still wear. I do have to note Rashmi Varma, a new Canadian fashion designer, is doing amazing designs – I purchased half the collection. A treat is a Marni anything.
What products are always in your beauty bag?
Blistex Complete Moisture Lip Balm SPF 15, Carol’s Daughter Ecstasy Shea Souffle, Crystal Essence Mineral Deodorant Towelettes in Lavender and White Tea, Clinique True Bronze Pressed Powder, Maybelline Great Lash Mascara, Chanel Lipgloss in Glossimer, Nars Pure Matte Lipstick, Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion, and Wet Ones Antibacterial Hand Wipes.
What style trends are you obsessed with right now?
On a personal level, I never obsess about style trends but am very aware of them for work. It is not a style trend but I do admit to obsessing over a line of shoes I like called Marsell, or one particular bag, the Balenciaga Classic City bag.
What’s your favourite spa or service?
I love a great foot massage in Chinatown and I cannot live without a pedicure. I really like The Ten Spot on Queen Street for the late hours and Sunday service, which is good for my lifestyle. At least once a year my sister and I will try to do a spa date for the afternoon including lunch. In the past it has been Stillwater Spa at the Park Hyatt, but I’m looking forward to trying the Ritz-Carlton Spa.
Let’s get social for a mo’. How can people stay up-to-date with your busy life?
Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and (God, now I have to update and edit!)