If running is your passion keep reading. While running and other outdoor activities have increased in popularity in 2020 and 2021, Toronto has several parks trails and other outdoor spaces that are ideal for running and are car and noise free. The best times to run through The 6ix with your woes are from March, to around early December due to weather conditions. If you don’t mind the cold, the winter months will require winter running gear, however Canadians are known for not letting cold weather stop them!
Waterfront trails are great for runners who want to get away from the urban hustle and bustle. They’ll also have other runners, cyclists and pedestrians, meaning that they are generally safe for anyone running alone, or early in the morning or in the evening. During the winter months when it gets darker earlier, having a flashlight on your key chain and wearing reflective material are some pro tips to consider!
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Here are 4 places to run in Toronto
Beltline Trail
Beltline Trail is a popular running spot. It’s convenient as it’s in the city’s core, and it’s a beautiful space. Spanning from Bayview Ave. and Danforth Ave to Allen Rd. and Eglinton Ave. the trail has a 2/5 on Ontario Trail’s difficulty rating. The trail is both paved, and gravel and the trail has a parking lot. With a minimal incline this trail is wheelchair accessible.
Rosedale Ravine Trail

Rosedale Ravine Trail is another beautiful spot in the centre of Toronto. Rosedale Ravine is a loop trail that is 8km long and another great spot for walks or runs with a 2/5 difficulty. The forest and creek seem like they are far away from Toronto, not in the middle of it. With some trees as old as 150, the ravine is a great place to lose yourself in nature.
High Park
Any list of outdoor spaces in Toronto cannot be complete without mentioning High Park. Toronto’s largest public park, High Park has several hiking trails, sports facilities, a dog park, and various playgrounds. The park hosts picnic areas, greenhouses and a zoo as well. While this park may not be the quietest, the lakefront view is worth it.
Taylor Creek Trail

Taylor Creek Trail follows a tributary to the Forks of the Don River. This 3.5km trail is open year-round and a beautiful spot for anyone interested in ecology. Taylor Creek has gone by several names, originally being called Silver Creek in the early 1800s. The trail is home to regionally rare plants, and a diverse population of wildlife and is certainly one of the best places to run in Toronto.