I often get told, “Wow, wish I had your job,” because everyone seems to think that all I do is eat at restaurants and drink lots of wine. Well, I do do this more than most…but most days are not as fun as they sound! I do most of everything at VTV: client relations, vlogs, editing, bookkeeping – you get the idea. However, there are days when it’s just one fun event after the next and yes, this makes the hard work and long hours worth it. Last Wednesday was the official launch for Uber Toronto, an amazing app for a new car service where all you have to do is check into the Uber app, select “pick me up,” and suddenly a town car is at your doorstep. Very posh isn’t it? Best part is that they are not as expensive as a limo service and just 20-30% more than a taxi. So as a way to launch their brand, they offered a few of us some “free rides” to get the full Uber experience.
As it happens, this day was also a day where I had a couple of events to attend with Valerie Stachurski of ImCharmingYou.com, so we decided to make a day of it. I also thought, why not do a “Day in My Life with UBER.” What a fun day it was! All started with a sales meeting (I did do a little bit of work…), followed by the Uber lunch at Marben Restaurant, then a social media meeting at La Societe, then the launch of Gail Simmons’ new book at the Coach store in Yorkville, then cocktails and free appetizers at Church Aperitivo and all ended at the Melissa Nepton fashion show. I’ll tell you, I was exhausted after all this fun stuff…watch the video and see Val and I trek through our events and yes, of course, wine was involved.
Uber.com | GailSimmons.com | ChurchAperitivoBar.com | MarbenRestaurant.com