Is Instagram the New Impressionism?
No one scoffs at you for snapping pics with your iPhone when visiting Art in Island, a museum specifically designed with social media in mind. The newly-opened art space in the Philippines houses 3D replicas of some of the most famous paintings in art history by masters as internationally-renowned as Van Gogh. Visitors can touch, climb, jump from, and hide in some of the greatest masterpieces in art history, all in the name of taking a killer #selfie.
Already earning a reputation for being the world’s first-ever #selfie museum, the idea is that the real works of art are actually the Instagram and Facebook pics created by those just passing through. Obviously, the art world isn’t exactly embracing Art in Island as a sign of the next big visual arts époque, but that doesn’t mean that history won’t eventually view your “Self-Portrait with Poker Dogs and Duckface” as one of the greatest achievements of the surrealist #selfie movement. After all, Van Gogh never managed to sell a painting during his lifetime. Let Kim Kardashian be the Claude Monet of the era. Perhaps your Instagram feed will get its “Starry, Starry Night” moment long after you’re gone but your social media accountants are still creepily open.
What famous artwork would you want to take a #selfie with in the world’s first #selfie museum? Let Vv Magazine know in the comments below or tweet us @ViewTheVibe.