I’ve never considered myself a “girlie girl” and am low-maintenance when it comes to appearance. I rarely allow myself to buy makeup because it will sit barely touched in the 1980s-era Sassaby makeup case (“The Traveller”) that I once bought on a trip to the US when I was a preteen; it had a Beverly Hills 90210 sticker on it when I bought it, and it now sits, slightly broken, in my bedroom closet.
Still, I like makeovers. I like playing with makeup in stores. I like the colours. I’m also curious about new products across different categories and for years my inner voices fought each other about whether or not to purchase a specific mineral-based makeup line that I discovered in California and is currently available at Sephora. (“But the starter kit is only $50!” I’d think, and quickly talk myself down, “But you’re never going to wear it!”)
At the recent Green Living Show I was enthralled by all the cosmetics. I wrote, “Even this non-makeup wearing girl couldn’t resist the Fashion & Beauty Boutique with its natural deodorants and pretty products.”
I want to be into makeup, I just rather use the time in the morning to sleep, or blend smoothies, or lie in bed watching Breakfast Television. I also only want to put natural products on my skin because as I wrote in my recent article about edible skincare, what you put on your body is as important as what you put in your body.
When View the Vibe asked me to write about Youngblood Mineral Cosmetics I was curious about another makeup line that claimed to be good for skin. What I learned was that the company’s philosophy matches one of mine. Pauline Youngblood had worked for years as a paramedical aesthetician and found a need for a makeup that would cover the skin’s flaws while soothing the skin and helping to heal problems. Soothing and promoting healing, rather than simply covering a problem, is something I believe in as it applies to a wide variety of ailments.
Some makeup adds to skin problems, while the right makeup can promote skin health. Youngblood Mineral Cosmetics is made from 100% pure, natural minerals. Minerals that are known to cause adverse reactions are excluded. For example, zinc is out because it has astringent qualities and can be drying. Preservatives can be irritants. Fragrances/perfume can result in irritation or allergies, act as a photosensitiser (causing skin to burn or breakout in a rash when exposed to ultraviolet light) and cause pigmentation problems.
The Youngblood products do contain titanium dioxide for broad spectrum UVA and UVB protection, and descriptions of the product line refer to the “silky” feeling of the makeup and the “polished, natural finish.” The Youngblood website has a “makeup counter” that will recommend products based on answers you provide. Each product page has an ingredient list. If you’re sensitive to certain artificial colours, make note of those.
Makeup won’t help prevent future problems – healthy lifestyle and balanced hormones can help that – but Youngblood Mineral Cosmetics might just help with the ones you have.
In Toronto, find Youngblood Mineral Cosmetics at Privé Spa (1069 College St. at Gladstone).