BREAKING: That coconut oil that you are coating your frying pan with are not just for the kitchen anymore. While the consumption of certain oils can have enormous health benefits, it turns out that the super food can also be used in a variety of surprising non-culinary ways.
We’ve decided to shine a spotlight on the many uses of coconut oil. It’s starting to look like the coconut’s finest invention is no longer the pina colada (well, maybe in our minds it is). Coconut oil can be used for almost anything – that is not an exaggeration. The oil has a countless number of health benefits that range from topical treatments to disease prevention. We’ve compiled a list of our favourite ways to use this nutrient-packed substance. Read through and then try to tell us that coconut oil not a miraculous discovery.
Oil pulling
Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic ritual that involves swishing organic and unrefined coconut oil in your mouth for 20 minutes. The benefits are staggering. It most significantly assists in detoxifying the body. It also works to reduce headaches, clears up skin, aids hormonal imbalance, improves digestion, assists with weight loss, promotes healthy sleeping patterns, whitens teeth, reduces the odds of gingivitis, and promotes overall oral health. If that long list doesn’t convince you to try it, then we don’t know what will. Make sure to spit the oil out when you are done; you don’t want to re-ingest all of those toxins that have just been pulled out of your system!
It’s light flavour makes it a great addition to many dishes and you won’t have to worry about an overpowering taste. Use it the same way you would use olive oil. The consumption of coconut oil yields many health benefits. It also works as a great substitute for dairy products.
Ditch Coffee for Coconuts
Feeling exhausted by the time the afternoon rolls around? Mix a tablespoon of chia seeds with a tablespoon of coconut oil for a natural energy boost that will last all day long.
Makeup remover
Is your makeup remover too harsh on the sensitive skin under your eyes? Coconut oil is a gentle, toxin-free substitute that can be applied with ease. Just mix a tablespoon or two with a cup of water, shake vigorously, and voila! A healthy, home-made alternative for getting rid of that mascara.
Skin lotion
Because of the strong fragrance and hidden chemicals found in some of your favourite moisturizers, they may actually be having adverse effects on your body. Coconut oil is a great natural lotion. It is also said to reverse the appearance of stretch marks. Lather up!
Disease prevention
Taking coconut oil daily can help with the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease. Coconut oil is also known to kill bacteria that can cause ulcers, urinary tract infections, throat infections, pneumonia, and other ailments.
Allergy relief
If hay season means that your eyes are red and itchy, and you haven’t been able to breathe from your nose in weeks, don’t worry. Coconut oil has –once again– come to the rescue! Dab a small amount of the oil on the inside of your nose to help alleviate all of those nasty allergy symptoms.
Ease the itch
Dabbing some coconut oil onto those irritating mosquito bites will not only assist with the redness, but can actually dissipate the itch that makes you want to claw your skin off. You’re welcome.
Stimulate hair growth
Coconut oil not only hydrates dry hair and prevents split ends, but it actually stimulates growth. Use the oil as a conditioner and massage it into your scalp for a head full of luscious locks.
Weight Loss
Consuming just one or two tablespoons a day can help with weight loss by speeding up your metabolism. Go ahead, have another glass of wine — just don’t forget your coconut oil!
Reduce depression and anxiety
Coconut oil has been considered to help with mild cases of depression and anxiety. In some cases, issues with the thyroid can cause depression. Daily consumption of the oil has been believed to stimulate the thyroid, therefore alleviating the symptoms. Coconut oil also supports healthy brain activity, which increases focus.
Clean makeup brushes
Coconut oil is a safe and toxin-free way to clean your makeup brushes. Don’t you want the best care for those thin bristles that rub up against your face everyday?
Shaving cream
Why pay for expensive shaving cream? The thick and silky texture of coconut oil makes for a soft and hydrating gel. If you won’t give up the store bought shaving cream, at least use the coconut oil for pre shaving prep. It will protect your skin from the pending damage that may occur from the razor.
Protect skin and soothe sunburns
While we don’t recommend relying strictly on the coconut nectar as a sun repellent, the oil is proven to protect your skin from solar radiation. Looking for a little SPF protection in the winter months? Coconut oil will do the trick! Is it already too late? That’s okay – our favourite super food also helps to soothe burns.
Fight inflammation
When inflammation becomes out of control, it can wreak havoc on the body. Because of its inflammation-fighting properties, coconut oil is great if you are suffering from debilitating conditions like arthritis.
What are your favourite uses for coconut oil? Let us know in the comments below or tweet us @ViewTheVibe.