What a time to be alive. The daily ups and downs, the uncertainty, and constant stressors that test our mental fortitude are enough to push anyone over the edge. If 2020 were a dish, it would be an ambrosia salad.
We have all heard the slew of 2020-specific buzzwords and phrases, though we hope this article finds you well and that you are keeping safe during this unprecedented time. The ‘buzz’ word that remains paramount is support. The effects of COVID-19 have challenged us all in ways that we never expected. Support, especially as the city is in another semi-phase of lockdown, is critical right now. Yes, we are all pinching pennies (except for Jeff Bezos and the CEO of Purell), and it’s hard supporting yourself while trying to be there for your bubble, but we
all have to eat. If you can order out, here are a few little tips.
Ways to Show Your Support:
1. Pick It Up, Safely
It’s no secret that third-party platforms cost a restaurant commission. When you are able, try
emailing or calling the restaurant directly and picking up your order.
Businesses get to keep 100% of the proceeds from their well-earned sale, and you get to escape the confines of your homes responsibly. We have heard from so many guests that picking up their order was the highlight of their day during the lockdown—a brief reprieve from work or from their four walls, a mini vacation. Yes, picking up a delicious lunch or dinner is something to get excited about in 2020.
2. Order Delivery
As controversial as delivery apps may be, they are not necessarily an enemy to our industry.
Third-party platforms have helped some restaurants survive, employ staff and continue to bring joy to our guests.
Since March, our primary goal was to continue to connect with guests through a multitude of platforms. Delivery apps can boost online visibility, reach more people, and we know it’s convenient for the consumer. Sure, there are smaller profit margins, but they keep the wheels turning. It’s not for everyone, but their technological and logistic support has saved some of us. Go ahead, click ‘confirm order.’
3. Post about It, #HumbleFoodBrag
You don’t need to be Insta-famous to make a difference. You are a powerful referral blessing to the restaurant industry, #4real. Beyond word of mouth, your followers value and trust your opinions, show them what you ordered and what you liked. It’s the right time to flaunt that food porn imagery on your grid or stories. Don’t forget to tag and geo-tag the restaurant, so they can re-post, creating additional content for their social platforms to engage and acquire new guests. Bring out your inner food stylist, play around with the lighting, and create a post that a FoodGod would be proud of; you’re doing great, sweetie!
4. Leave a Positive Review
Your opinion does matter, and the industry values it. That adage, “Everyone’s a critic,” is more accurate than ever. A positive review helps restaurants organically seed their brand to potential consumers in an authentic way.
Rate your order on the app; it will help restaurants earn a preferred partner banner and put them in better positions on the platforms. Write something nice on Google; it helps the business and the mental health of the people working so hard to fulfill your order. We read every review, some sting, but most put a smile on our faces, which we desperately need right now. Mistakes also happen; this is a human business with real people delivering ingredients, preparing and packing your food – from scratch. Human error is inevitable. If the order is a miss, let us know directly asap; we will make it right, without compromising our ability to keep the doors open.
5. Channel your Question to the Right Person
We are delighted to help you; this is the service & hospitality industry, after all. Your interest in
our food and beverage is a win. However, staff have been cut everywhere, and we are trying to
do more with less. Have a question about your order, where to park to pick it up, or a revision?
Call or email.
Most restauranteurs in the city don’t have the means to have a social media agency on-call
reply to DMs around the clock. Instagram may seem like an easy way to ask questions; however, if the inquiry is time-sensitive or impacts your decision to order or even return, drop us a line or send an email. We do value your patronage.
It is inspiring to see all the charitable initiatives, generosity and sheer resilience within our communities. All of us are reevaluating ways of working daily, so be sure to follow your favourite places on social to learn about exciting offers or products. From consolidated online ordering, such as Aburi Restaurant Canada’s new Aburi at Home platform to McEwan Fine Foods’ newly launched online grocery platform – we are here to meet your physical distancing and gastronomic needs, now more than ever.